
    With the new age of technology, social media storytelling has become quite prominent in the marketing industry. All sectors are using all platforms to create a compelling story and vision of themselves or their product to entice their audience. Specifically, in product endorsements and in product marketing, it can be beneficial to post promotions that draw customers to the website. By doing a paid promotion or personalized checkout discount code, many are willing to at least try the product listed. Through colors, fonts, designs, and fun captions, an audience is hooked to want to learn more. 

    In my Poppi post, I wanted to include elements of recent ads to where it looked realistic. I included one of their popular flavors which has a redder pink and a yellow which are both colors that invoke hunger in the mind and used design and text sizing to show the importance of the sale and to draw attention to the can. 

In the story post, I chose to use the same color scheme and a similar idea, except add their key slogan of “the viral soda.” This not only continues to help the theme, but it gives the soda an importance as if it is already nationally loved and recognized. Giving a promotion or a product this much importance can convince the audience that they are not making a risky decision by trusting the site or by purchasing this product. 

Lastly, for the reel, I wanted to be as engaging, concise, and informational as possible. I included all of the elements and slogans of Poppi’s marketing while showing the variety of flavors and a picture of people holding the beverage. This fun and multi-designed video shows the versatility and variety of the beverage. 

Overall through the convincing text and the promotional posting, this will draw a wide audience attention to this brand or product. By using promotional and convincing language and hashtags in the postings, the audience is properly engaged in the idea.
