Ozempic: Dangerous or Helping The Economy


Image credit: Ozempic drug

     The way a website or news source presents a topic heavily influences the way the audience will react to it. This can be very challenging for journalists as they each try to achieve a positive response from not only the people involved in the covered event but from both people who support and people who are against the topic. If there is no positive response, writers want to increase conversation on the subject and raise questions. By studying the techniques of news industries in creating compelling stories on all sides, finding a prevalent multi-sided argument is important. As the diabetes medicine Ozempic has gained popularity for its weight loss effects, the news has been really two-sided on this scholarly study. Is this drug detrimental to those not using it for the intended reasons, or is this a great opportunity for American CEOs to profit from one of America’s biggest insecurities? 

Business Insider

The Business Insider, a news site for people to catch up on the global economy, loves the idea of the rise of the popularity of the Ozempic drug. They claim that the United States and Mexico, both countries with the highest obesity ratings, have the most to gain. As weight loss becomes more prevalent in the population, it is expected that a higher GDP (Gross Domestic Product) will result. This shows the Business Insiders' goal of telling their audience how trends are affecting the economy, not just for the CEOs and stakeholders of the Ozempic brand but also how their effects can assist the overall economy. They include statistics and studies by the OECD (Organization for Economic Development) that tell the very finance-concerned audience that the obesity rates are causing a downturn in job effectiveness and, therefore, resulting in a less efficient product. This author is showing how the effects of this drug will create a more stellar performance and a better workforce. They angle this story in multiple different directions. While their audience is mainly in the business world, their economic predictions are backed by both business and scientific studies. The images in this article are very helpful in organizing the flow of the reading. They include logos, pictures of use, and trend lines. They also provide many links to other articles throughout to provide more detail on unknown concepts. While this article doesn't fully confront the dangers of this drug, it does give a very useful argument for a study (Rosen, 2024).

NBC News

The NBC (National Broadcasting Company) is now warning about the dangers and misuses of this drug. While they understand the benefits of this drug and why it is so popular, they cite many studies that have shown an increased risk of stomach problems from misuse. They provide statistics of the people who have experienced gastroparesis and show pictures of the drug in use and of the effects. Their studies are more scientific and are done by biologists and doctors; however, they are very effective in conveying the mass health risk this is causing. They do, however, unlike the Business Insider, provide rebutting arguments against their claims about preexisting conditions, but with the way the author presented the data and the correlation, this is a very effective news study that has been publicized. Their audience is more the general public or people focused on health news, and they are more likely to be risk-averse and read into the dangers of medicine before they call a doctor or fill the prescription. This article effectively conveys the warning message to the audience while still addressing its popularity and means of use (Lovelace, 2023).

Each of these news sources perfectly explains the right studies for their target audiences, making them both effective articles. However, they are widely different in execution and opinion. It is important to show their similarities in the use of reliable data and outside opinion, as well as pictures and external links. While these each paint Ozempic in a different light, they are both important articles to read when educating oneself on the new trend of medicine. 
